
At MapYourDreams, sustainability isn't just a buzzword; it's a core value that guides every aspect of our business. We are dedicated to making choices that not only celebrate your memories but also contribute positively to the environment. From our eco-friendly materials to our commitment to local production, we strive to create products that are as kind to the planet as they are beautiful.

Eco-Friendly Materials

Our journey towards sustainability starts with the materials we use. All our art prints are created on FSC-certified paper, ensuring that the wood pulp used comes from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social, and economic benefits. This certification guarantees that our paper meets the highest standards of environmental responsibility, helping to protect forests for future generations.

We also use natural wood materials for our frames, all of which meet FSC standards. This means that every piece of wood we use is sourced from forests that are managed sustainably, promoting biodiversity and ensuring that forest workers are treated fairly. By choosing FSC-certified materials, we ensure that our products support sustainable forestry practices.

Local Production, Global Reach

To minimize our carbon footprint, we have established print studios in 34 countries across Europe, Oceania, Asia, and the Americas. This extensive network allows us to produce and ship your custom MapYourDreams prints closer to your location, reducing transportation distances and associated carbon emissions. By producing locally, we not only deliver your prints faster but also significantly cut down on the environmental impact of long-distance shipping.

Local production also supports local economies and provides jobs within communities, further enhancing our commitment to social responsibility. By choosing MapYourDreams, you are supporting a global network of sustainable practices and local businesses.

On-Demand Production

At MapYourDreams, we believe in creating only what is needed. Our on-demand production model ensures that every product is made to order, reducing waste and minimizing resource use. By producing items only when they are ordered, we avoid the pitfalls of overproduction and excess inventory, which can lead to unnecessary waste and landfill contributions.

This approach not only reduces material waste but also ensures that each product is crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail. Every piece of art is a unique creation, made specifically for you, with the environment in mind.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Sustainability is an ongoing journey, and we are committed to continually improving our practices. We regularly review our processes and materials to find new ways to reduce our environmental impact. This includes exploring alternative eco-friendly materials, optimizing our production methods, and implementing energy-efficient technologies in our studios.

We also believe in transparency and accountability. We are dedicated to being open about our sustainability practices and progress, ensuring that our customers are informed and confident in their choices. By keeping you updated on our efforts and achievements, we aim to build a community of environmentally conscious individuals who share our commitment to a better world.

Supporting Local Communities

In addition to our environmental efforts, we are passionate about supporting local communities. Our local production model not only reduces carbon emissions but also boosts local economies by providing jobs and supporting small businesses. We collaborate with local artisans and suppliers, ensuring that our impact is positive both environmentally and socially.

Join Us in Our Mission

At MapYourDreams, we are more than just a brand; we are a movement towards a more sustainable and responsible way of creating art. By choosing our products, you are joining us in our mission to celebrate the beauty of your memories while protecting the planet. Together, we can make a difference, one beautiful, sustainable piece of art at a time.

Thank you for supporting MapYourDreams and for being a part of our journey towards a greener, more sustainable future. Let’s create beautiful memories and a better world, together